20 Veteran Owned Pennsylvania Breweries Raise Over $19,000 For PA Veterans

On April 15th, 2019 20 veteran owned/ operated breweries in Pennsylvania joined forces to produce a craft beer brewed by military veterans, in the support of military veterans. (See a video from the brew day here). A few short weeks later “Hurry Up And Wait”, an 8% Double IPA, was born and released across all of the 20 breweries in celebration of Memorial Day Weekend. (A special thank you to Weyerbacher in Easton, PA and Hop Hill in Bethlehem, PA who poured this beer on behalf of one of the breweries who is not yet open).

For this project, it was important to those involved that a portion of the proceeds go towards supporting local Pennsylvania veterans. Which is why the group teamed with the Pennsylvania Veterans Foundation. The PVF exists to provide assistance and support for Pennsylvania veterans and their families. Over the last 8 years their organization has raised over 2 million dollars towards their cause.

The 20 breweries (plus a PA malt house and the Breweries In PA organization) involved in this project were:

·        2nd Story Brewing
·        Aston Abbey Brewing
·        Black Forest Brewery
·        Blueprint Brewing
·        Breweries In PA
·        Burgh’ers Brewing
·        Couch Brewery
·        Cox Brewing
·        Collusion Tap Works
·        Deer Creek Malthouse
·        GearHouse Brewing
·        Imprint Beer Co
·        McAllister Brewing
·        Newfangled Brew Works
·        Root Down Brewing
·        Seven Sirens Brewing
·        ShuBrew
·        Stone Bridge Brewing
·        Stony Run Brew House
·        Tattered Flag Brewing
·        Ten7 Brewing
·        Whitehorse Brewing

Those 22 businesses combined to raise $19,831.34 that was then donated directly to the Pennsylvania Veterans Foundation.

If you did not get a chance to try this beer, you may be in luck in the future. The organization behind this release, Breweries In PA, has stated that they plan to continue veteran themed releases in the future. Follow BreweriesInPA.com to stay up to date on future projects. If you’d like to donate directly to the PVF you can do so here.

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