New Jersey Craft Beer Needs Your Help

Traditionally we stay out of other states beer business. After all we are breweries in Pennsylvania. (Unless of course it is constantly reminding California they are #2). However if you have read our site long enough you know we really don’t like when government greed infects craft beer.

Which is why we are sharing the news of this atrocity that recently took place to our neighbors to the East…. New Jersey. A special ruling was just passed that really hurts the craft brewery owner in New Jersey. If something like this happened against Pennsylvania we would be leading the march. So it is only right that we help shine a light on this issue.

To catch you up to speed the special ruling has limited breweries in New Jersey to only host 25 events annually (including music, trivia, education, charity, community, fitness & wellness, religious, and animal welfare events). Events are subject to approval by the state. Also, breweries must remove food menus from local restaurants, cannot show sporting events on TV and will be limited in hosting private celebrations. These are just some of the issues in the ruling. See the complete ruling here.

Ridiculous huh? Which is why the brewing industry has banded together to fight this ruling. They are asking that you sign the petition below to help them get this ruling overturned. So we are asking you to help our brothers in craft beer to not let this stand.


Image result for sign the petition button

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