Blondes & Brewnettes To Expand With New Taproom This Summer In West Grove

Blondes & Brewnettes Brewery will be the first alcohol establishment in West Grove, PA since the town went dry 8 decades ago, in 1940. The brewery will be opening at 122 Rose Hill Ave, with an estimated opening at the end of summer 2022.

The brewery is owned by Charles “Knute” and Bernadette Mellon, who started brewing beer just before the pandemic, in November 2020. The husband and wife team have been brewing out of their restaurant, Twelves Grill & Cafe since successfully lobbying the West Grove borough for a brewer license. This is the first alcoholic establishment in West Grove since 1940.

We recently spoke with Charles “Knute” Mellon about the brewery and plans for this new space. Below is our conversation.

BIPA: What stage are you currently in?

Charles: Currently I am working with an architect and also inspectors looking at the space. We need to get the equipment onside and installed, and we will have a good amount of construction to complete the bar and a few other items.

BIPA: What styles of beers will you focus on?

Charles: We will make a wide variety of styles like we currently do! We make brown ales and blonde ales, Belgian styles, IPAs – both NE style and west coast styles, and darker beers like porters and dunkels.

BIPA: Can you describe the space you are opening?

Charles: We are opening up in a 4,000 sq/ft building that most recently was a community center in West Grove, In the past, it was many things including a tractor shop. 

We will have a 20 ft bar with seating for around 18-20 seats, and 10 taps of our beer. The total seating indoors will be around 100, with some seating out back through our garage door. Outside we will have some tables and a beer garden for events when the weather is nice.

For the brewhouse, we are installing a 3.5 BBL brewhouse, and want to stay small for the time being.

Photos of the current space before construction are below! (Photos courtesy of Blondes & Brewnettes.)

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BIPA: Will you release crowlers/cans there as well?

Charles: Right now we will just have been on tap to start. But we will be going to cans shortly after opening.

BIPA: Will there be food offered?

Charles: Yes, there is currently a full kitchen there from the community center, and we will expand on that space. We will have a full menu serving bbq such as smoked brisket, pulled pork, smoked wings, and other items like salads, paninis, and some flatbreads too.

There will be an executive chef running both the restaurant and brewery kitchens.

BIPA: Anything else our readers should know about the Blondes & Brewnettes

Charles: We started back in 2010 when my brother-in-law and I started homebrewing together for fun. Little by little we evolved, and we were trying to figure out a name. My wife is blonde and her sister is a brunette, so it stuck! Now, my wife and I own the brewery and it worked out because I have two daughters, one blonde and one brunette.

We will also be kid-friendly and dog-friendly outside.

Make sure to follow Blondes & Brewnettes Brewery on Facebook and Instagram. We will follow up once the brewery is ready to open!

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