Evil Genius Fires Head Brewer After Instagram Post Receives Backlash

Earlier today we shared how Evil Genius had deleted their social media pages after their (now former) head brewers post on Instagram received a bit of backlash.

The brewery has now published an open letter in which they explain they have removed the employee. See the open letter from the brewery below:

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The text reads:

Open Letter: We have learned that a now-former employee has made a public statement on social media that we found offensive and that was contrary to our core values and beliefs. We do not believe in hatred, inequality or violence. That person has been swiftly terminated and immediately removed from their position.

We firmly believe in everyone’s right to be treated equally and fairly; everyone’s right to not live in fear; and everyone’s right to peacefully pursue their own happiness. Those values are paramount to our business. We will not stand by and allow anyone who acts contrary to our values to publicly represent our brand – not now and not ever.

This is a very difficult time for our city and nation – and we hope everyone finds time for their own reflection. We hope you all stay safe and healthy. We appreciate your support of our company and our values.

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