Grist House Celebrating 5 Year Anniversary With Quite The Unique Party

Grist House (Millvale, PA) is celebrating their 5th Anniversary over Memorial Day Weekend with a party like no other. Starting on Saturday May 25th, the following events will take place at their brewery!

Saturday, May 25th

Things kick off on Saturday with a TRIPLE CAN RELEASE as well as a very special BOTTLE RELEASE to toast the occasion!

Releasing at the brewery:

Kaboom Candy – Raspberry + Passionfruit Fruited Sour
Celebration sIPA – Carrot Cake Inspired Sour IPA
Double Hazedelic Juice Grenade – Double NEIPA

Sunday, May 26th

Then on Sunday the party really begins. In collaboration with the Independent Brewing Company, Grist House has invited 5 out of state breweries to join them in Millvale where they will be helping celebrate and pouring some amazing beers.

As the brewery says “this is not a beer fest or a tasting event, it’s something new!” Tickets to this event will be $50 and go on sale THIS THURSDAY, May 16th, at 12:00 pm.


RAR Brewing (Cambridge, Maryland)
Barreled Souls Brewing (Saco, Massachusetts)
Alarmist Brewing (Chicago, Illinois)
New Image Brewing (Arvada, Colorado)
Burley Oak Brewing Company (Berlin, Maryland)


Your ticket includes:

• 10oz Logo Willi Becher glass
• Drink ticket for each of the five (5) guest breweries
• A bonus 10oz pour from Grist House!

The drink tickets will be labeled with the brewery they can be redeemed at, guaranteeing you one 10oz pour from each brewery.

Planning on going? Join the Facebook events below!

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