“Hinkies Sweet Revenge” is a draft-only release named after former Sixers general manager Sam Hinkie. Many people credit him with compiling the current young Sixers team that has fans and newscasters beyond excited. The recipe for Hinkie’s Sweet Revenge was inspired by star center Joel Embiid’s love for Shirley Temple drinks.
Conshohocken brewer Gordon Grubb, who is a longtime Sixers fan himself, had already been thinking of a Shirley Temple beer. He then talked with Misconduct bar co-owner Fleming Kerr and hashed out a plan.
Grubb and Kerr came up with an idea to brew something with a hint of Shirley Temple flavor and color. Using a Belgian witbier as the base, they replaced the coriander and orange peel traditionally used, with ginger, black currant, and pomegranate, usually used to make grenadine. They then added fresh chopped ginger during the boil, and black currant puree in the whirlpool, right before fermentation.
Coming in at 6.3% ABV, this beer pours slightly cloudy with a Shirley-Temple-like red tiny with a moderate head. With currant aromas, it’s crisp in your mouth with some ginger and slight pomegranate, while finishing smooth without being overly sweet.
Hinkie’s Sweet Revenge is selling for $5 a glass during every Sixers game at Misconduct Tavern’s two Center City locations, and be available anytime for $7 throughout the season. It’s also available at both Conshohocken locations!