Meet The Brewer: Matt Allyn of John Russell Brewing Company

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John Russell Brewing Company opened in January 2021 in Erie, with a 15bbl brewhouse. Matt Allyn is the head brewer at John Russell Brewing. Matt is quite the seasoned brewer, with an extensive brewing history of 29+ years. He has been a brewer, consultant, or designer at places such as Voodoo Brewery, Erie Brewing, Blue Canoe, Sprague Farms, Millcreek Brewing, and the Brewerie at Union Station. Read more to find out his the first beer he ever brewed, where he sees the craft beer industry heading, and more!

What was your introduction to craft beer?

I started brewing in Iceland while in the Air Force. Guys would brew beer and also an Icelandic family I knew that would make vodka. Plus we would only get European beers on base due to the cost of shipping.

How did you get started as a brewer?

I was in the Air Force and teaching rock climbing in Utah on the weekends. I was 20 at the time and one of the students was the local brewmaster. I would take my group into the brewery after and buy the first round. That is how he found out about my classes. He then wanted to see my homebrew setup. I showed him and he then offered me a job at the brewery to help bottle beer. Like Justin I was doing some modeling, just hand modeling though. After a bottling accident, it ruined my Hand modeling career. Now left to just the brewing job and blowing up stuff in the Air Force.

Photo courtesy of John Russell Brewing Company.

What style allows you to be the most creative, and why?

I would say all styles. I believe all the styles can and are creative. It depends on how you define creativity. Do you look at the creative aspects of mastering the water chemistry for a style of Lager? Or putting Smoked Brisket (Pun towards Justin again) in a beer as creative?

What was the first beer you ever brewed, and what did you learn from it?

It was bread beer and it sucked, so I learned to never do that again.

Where do you see the craft beer industry heading in the next few years?

F**k if I know. When I started 29 yrs ago I was trying to master ESB, Porters, Pale Ale. Now I being pressured to make Justin’s favorite Seltzer. Which is Peach by the way…

Photo courtesy of John Russell Brewing Company.

Describe what it’s like to be a brewer in Pennsylvania.

Well I’ve had the chance to work all over the US and Europe and I decided to move back to PA, I felt I could make a difference and find enough people to drink it. I have also been able to be involved and evolve a great family of brewers.

What is the inspiration behind your beer names?

Mostly music. That’s about it. When I made Wynona’s Big Brown Ale. I was driving into work and Primus came on the Sirius radio and I came into the brewery and said, We are making a brown ale. I made a formula up in 10 mins and started brewing it.

Photo courtesy of John Russell Brewing Company.

What is your favorite beer to drink right now?

The bottle in front of me, which is better than a frontal lobotomy. Tom Waits

What is the most important lesson you learned in the beer industry so far?

Be super clean and listen to people that know more than you or someone with an educated different view on the process.

Thank you to Matt for talking with us! Make sure you visit the John Russell Brewing website for all the latest beers, news, information, and special events. And also follow John Russell Brewing on Facebook and Instagram.

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