Meet The Brewer: Shawn Strickland of Voodoo Brewing Company

Welcome to our “Meet The Brewer” series! Where we interview brewers in Pennsylvania, from breweries small to large. Let us know if you know anyone who should be featured, email us at

Shawn Strickland is Voodoo Brewing Company‘s Production Brewer. He brews many of their classics, such as Good Vibes and Voodoo Love Child, as well as a lot of their distribution beers at the Production Facility in Meadville. Shawn has been working in the craft beer industry for 2 decades and he has been a head brewer for 16 years. Read more to find out his the first beer he ever brewed, where he sees the craft beer industry heading, and more!

What was your introduction to craft beer?

Really it’s a simple story. I was offered a job to work in a brewery for money and thought why not.

How did you get started as a brewer?

In my free time doing janitorial stuff, I would write recipes on the chalkboard and someone kept asking who was writing these after they found out who I got promoted to a brewer.

What style allows you to be the most creative, and why?

IPAs. Being able to play with different hop combinations to get so many different flavors.

What was the first beer you ever brewed, and what did you learn from it?

The first beer I brewed was a Lager. Despite it being a “simple” style of beer, it takes a lot of precision and work to get perfect.

Photo courtesy of Voodoo Brewing Company.

Where do you see the craft beer industry heading in the next few years?

I see the industry gravitating back towards traditional styles and easier drinking beers. A lot of Lagers, Pilsners, and low ABV beers.

Describe what it’s like to be a brewer in Pennsylvania.

It’s cold sometimes and the roads aren’t very good trying to get to Meadville for work at 5 AM.

What is the inspiration behind your beer names?

Nobody ever listens to my beer names, however, a lot of our names are inspired by music, movies, and random brainstorming sessions.

What is your favorite beer to drink right now?

God Complex by Resident Culture.

What is the most important lesson you learned in the beer industry so far?

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Thank you to Shawn for talking with us! Make sure you visit Voodoo Brewing Company for all the latest beers, news, information, and special events. And also follow Voodoo on Facebook and Instagram.

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