For the longest time Perkasie, Pennsylvania has been a one brewery town. That all changes as Mystic Ways Brewing has recently been approved to begin building their brewery in town.
According to a Facebook post by the Perkasie Towne Improvement Association, the zoning for the brewery had been approved. The post goes on to read; “on Monday, April 6th, Perkasie Borough Council proactively approved a new Micro Brewery Ordinance for Perkasie’s downtown C2 zoning district making Micro Breweries a ‘Use by Right’ and incentivizing Perkasie’s Downtown Revitalization.“
Mystic Ways Brewing will be located in the 2,640 space at 510 1/2 W. Walnut Street situated between Modern Male Barbershop and Threddies in the former Game Inn space.
Renovations to the property will include opening the entire space for a tasting room/pub, exposing the original tin ceilings and creating a new gathering/event space in Perkasie. Beer will be brewed on-site. Mystic Ways Brewing plans to open later this year.
As of this writing Mystic Ways Brewing has no social media or web presence, but we will update as more information is available.