Yuengling Teases Mrs. T’s Pierogies Beer….. Coming Soon?

File this under beer we’d be willing to try at least once. In a recent Instagram post Yuengling teased a potential beer pairing between themselves and another iconic Pennsylvania business; Mrs. T’s Pierogies.

As you can see in the Instagram post below America’s Oldest Brewery teased the release of “Pierogy Pilsner”

This would not be the first time these two iconic Pennsylvania brands joined forces. Back in 2019, the two companies teamed together on a way to provide passionate fans “with new opportunities to experience our brands” through the release of special recipe pairings.

While the two brands have only been associated together in the food category, the collaboration on a beer has been hinted at before. As you can see in the tweet below, the brewery shared an April Fools joke earlier this year of the idea behind “Pierogy Pilsner” and “Crunchwave IPA”.

As of this writing, the only hint at the beer being released (beyond the April Fools joke) is the Instagram post above. No word on whether they will release it (as they say in the post above) “yet”. But we are willing to give it a try if they do…..why not?

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