10 Pieces Of Taproom Etiquette From One Of Pennsylvania’s Top Brewery Owners

Visiting a wide variety of breweries, constantly documenting the beer industry, and interacting with many craft beer fans, we have heard our fair share of taproom etiquette suggestions. But what do breweries want beer fans to know about the subject?

Breweries In PA went to a craft beer veteran who has seen it all; John Stemler of Free Will Brewing in Perkasie, PA, to find the answers.

We simply asked him:

“What is your suggestion for the best taproom etiquette for consumers?”

John offers craft beer fans a list of 10 things to consider when in a taproom/brewpub, in no particular order (besides #1 which is the most important!)

His top 10 tips:

  1. Servers are highly patient and skilled workers. Tip them. Talk to them respectfully. Don’t make lewd comments or you will be asked to leave.
  2. Don’t do samples of everything. It is a waste of everyone’s time and you really can’t get to know a beer unless you have enough of it and in the proper glassware.
  3. Well behaved children are fine. 75 of them at the same time, having them there late in the evening, having them stand on tables and railings, letting them color on the floor where people walk, having them try your beer are all NOT FINE.
  4. Complaining about not being able to get your growler/crowler filled with something that there isn’t much of is lame. We put those rules in place so people can share the experience.
  5. Please don’t rifle through every single folded piece of merch. You aren’t a toddler and this isn’t Old Navy.
  6. Why can’t people hit the toilet or the trash in the bathrooms? I have been hitting the toilet since I was 4, why can’t you? This goes for the ladies as well . . .
  7. Bus your own trash at a taproom. Unless it is a full-service restaurant or pub, we don’t appreciate you leaving it for us when the trash can was 12 feet from you.
  8. Glassware. You are that hard up for glasses at home, but you can afford to drink craft beer? Really? This is why we don’t serve in branded glasses.
  9. Maybe look at the menu before you get to the front of the line?
  10. 5 minutes to close is not the time to roll in an get a few flights.


What are your thoughts on taproom etiquette, do you have any you would add? What is the worst you have seen?

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