We recently published all about the HB2513 bill, and what it means for breweries, bars, and restaurants.
The Governor has decided to veto this bill, voted on and passed by BOTH the PA State Senate & House of Representatives. What comes next in this process?
You can read his message on why he vetoed the bill here.
We spoke with leading liquor law attorney Matt Andersen of Norris McLaughlin Law, to get the breakdown of the process.
Since the Governor has vetoed, a legislative override vote is needed for the bill to move forward and pass. For the override to work, 2/3 of the legislators in the PA Senate and House of Representatives will have to vote in favor of the override. Those votes could occur as early as 10/19.
72% of the House originally voted in favor, and 88% of the Senate voted in favor. Each chamber only needs 67% to get the job done. Similar recent bills have failed during this process.
Breweries In PA will be covering the status of this bill, as its passing is imperative for many businesses to stay open and running during the winter. If the 2/3 vote is not made to override the veto, we will be publishing which legislators flipped their vote, thus sealing the fate for many businesses in their district, and the state as a whole.
Want to share your thoughts with Governor Wolf over how he has handled this? That’s easy, send him an email or call his office and voice your opinion.