Couch Brewery Announces Closing Of Pittsburgh Brewery

Couch Brewing, which had become synonymous within the Pittsburgh craft beer scene, recently announced plans to close their brewery during the final month of 2021. The brewery will hose a “12 days of Christmas” event to kick the final kegs in inventory. 

The veteran-owned Pittsburgh area brewery had become well known for their annual blackout event, regularly scheduled bingo nights, and creating an atmosphere built right out of your own living room.

The brewery announced the closure on Instagram in the following post:


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Text below:

“They say all good things must come to an end and boy have we had a beautiful run. With a tear in our eye and a beer in our hand we are sad to announce our last day will be on Sunday, December 19th. It has been a pleasure to serve you all over the last few years. Having you all in our “living room” has been like sitting on a couch and chatting with family. The stories, laughs and friendships we have created are extraordinarily precious to us and we will treasure them forever. With that said, we invite you to join us for our “12 days of Christmas” to help kick our kegs. Be sure to check our hours for the next couple weeks as we do have a few private parties already booked.

Soon, another fantastic brewery will be occupying our space. Tortured Souls Brewing will introduce their awesome beers as well as some of your Couch favorites. Check them out at

From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely thank you for your patronage and friendship these past few years. It has been our privilege to serve you.

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