Hitchhiker Brewing To Open Pop Up Taproom Until Spring 2020

As we recently shared, Hitchhiker Brewing has introduced “The Nomad”; a 1977 Citroen van imported by France via the Netherlands, the brewery uses to pour their beer while mobile. With the cold weather coming it would be easy for them to park the van into storage until the temps get warmer.

And they’re kinda doing that…

The brewery will park the van inside the RE360 Warehouse at 829 Industry Street in the Allentown Neighborhood of Pittsburgh for the winter.

Screen Shot 2019-11-04 at 11.03.44 AM
Photo courtesy Hitchhiker Brewing Co.

As the brewery shared, the pop up space will offer their draft beer, can releases and limited merchandise. Food will also be available onsite by Kevin Sousa with his new venture, the Arlington Beverage Club.

The beer will be available this winter, starting November 9th throughout March, pouring every Saturday from 12:00 noon to 8:00 PM. Follow the brewery on their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to continue watching the growth.

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