If A Brewery Asks You To Wear A Mask… Just Wear The Mask

We’re no medical experts. Nor are we pretending to be. However, we’ve noticed recently some folks are fighting breweries on their policies given the current circumstances. One of which is for them asking patrons to wear a mask when not seated.

And when it comes to supporting local we take that sort of business seriously. Maybe this is just us, but we look at the topic of wearing a mask as a part of what it means to support a local business.

Of course, if the mask presents a physical danger to you, then yes your well being is important and should be considered. But if it comes down to not wanting to be inconvenienced, what kind of message are you sending the brewery? That your support of their small business must be made on your terms?

We also realize not all breweries are enforcing this rule. We have seen some breweries who have decided to be a mask free zone. So if you are one of those individuals who don’t feel comfortable being in a business without mask mandates, you are also free to go on to the next location.

That’s what this all comes down to. We aren’t here to dispense medical advice. We just believe in supporting local. If you enjoy that location and want to see them thrive, why fight them on how they are operating their business during a global pandemic? These are unprecedented times, now more than ever we need to do our part to keep supporting small businesses, even if that means inconveniencing ourselves just a bit longer.

Everything will get back to normal. We promise.


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