Introducing Our 2020 March Madness Champion; Tröegs Brewing

This contest is proudly sponsored by City Brew Tours! Offering the ultimate craft beer experience in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia that blends history, beer knowledge, transportation, and great food with unrivaled access to an area’s top breweries and their beer.

After one month, and over 173,000 votes, we have a champion! Congratulations to Tröegs Independent Brewing on being named our 2020 winner!

During the month, the brewery received 11,870 votes in total and was the first brewery in the history of our bracket to receive over 3,000 votes in one single round! Starting as an 8 seed in the Central region they would go on to beat (in order) Well Crafted, Hidden River (1 seed in the region), Pizza Boy, New Trail, Dancing Gnome and then eventually Levante in the championship. See the full bracket here.

Join us in congratulating the central PA brewery on the win, and learn more about their location at the profile below.


Tröegs Independent Brewing


Tröegs is located at 200 Hersheypark Drive in Hershey, PA. Founded in 1996 by brothers John and Chris Trogner, Tröegs is a craft-brewery focusing their production on specialty and seasonal beers. Tröegs also is a limited distribution brewery, only distributing beer to states within proximity to maintain beer freshness.

The name Tröegs is a combination of a nickname derived from the surname Trogner and the Dutch word kroeg (“pub”). The brewery was originally located at 800 Paxton Street in Harrisburg. Their first keg was sold to a Harrisburg restaurant in July 1997.

One of the reasons Tröegs has come this far? Their ability to innovate. Whether it is through their Scratch Series, staple beers like Mad Elf or new releases such as Lollihop. The brewery does not rest on its laurels and is continuing to create new offerings every day.

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