Seven Sirens Launches #TheCommunityCares; Donations Towards Front Line Workers

As we have documented, many breweries in PA have gone out of their way to provide some sort of relief towards those making a positive impact in the world. And if you have ever met the team at Seven Sirens in Bethlehem, this announcement should come as no surprise to you. (Cause they are some amazing people).

The brewery recently added a section to their online store for donations to made to make sure front line workers are keeping well hydrated.

See the description of the initiative from the website:

“With everything going on during this Covid-19 Pandemic, we understand that many First responders and medical personnel are putting in COUNTLESS hours in order to try and keep us safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. They don’t miss a beat, they know we depend on them, and they have risen to the occasion without second-guessing if it was for a worthy cause. 

If you feel the same way, here is your chance to give back to them. With every purchase made from #thecommunitycares you will be paying it forward to First Responders and Medical Personnel.

Sometimes they just need a dang beer after their 12 or 16-hour shifts.

Lets. Show. Them. We. Care.”

Feeling like you want to support those on the front line? You can send beer donations here.


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