Voodoo Brewery Announces “Voodoo To You Can Club”

Voodoo Brewery has just announced the “Voodoo To You Can Club”, a monthly can subscription box.

Each month, a new 12 pack of assorted Voodoo Brewery cans will be shipped directly to your door. Options are 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months, all including FREE SHIPPING. (details below)

Signup Options:

3 months (Jan-March): $210 ($70/12 pack)
6 months (Jan-June): $390 ($65/12-pack)
9 months (Jan-Sept): $540 ($60/12-pack)
12 months (Jan-Dec): $660 ($55/12-pack)

The box will change each month based on what the brewery will be releasing that month. You will get some Voodoo classics, as well as some new beers you’ve never tried before! Most shipments will include 16oz cans unless the brewery really wants to share some beers they made in 12oz cans.

Available to ALL residents of PA and DC, boxes will be shipped the first week of each month and should arrive at your doorstep within 1-3 days. An adult signature is required, as with all beer deliveries.

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