Yuengling Releasing Hershey’s Chocolate Porter In Bottles

Last year, we brought you the news that Yuengling was releasing a collaboration chocolate porter with Hershey. The beer was only available in draft form last year.

Well, how about some good news in 2020? The brewery has made plans to bottle the wildly popular collaboration beer this year, and it’s on its way to a store near you.

And if this mysterious tweet has anything to do with the release, we can expect the beer to drop September 29th.

Hershey’s Chocolate Porter is a 4.7% American porter brewed using a combination of Hershey’s iconic chocolate syrup, Hershey’s cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs adding to Yuengling’s nearly 200-year-old Dark Porter recipe.

The classic taste of Yuengling’s Porter is combined with the unmistakable taste of Hershey’s chocolate, to create a deliciously unique and smooth porter with hints of roasted malts and a rich chocolate finish.

The smooth, rich, and chocolatey flavor pairs well with chocolate, barbecue, and many kinds of cheese.

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