5 Common Brewery Mistakes — and How to Avoid Them as Your Brewery Grows

Running a successful brewery is no easy feat. You may commit a few common mistakes that can hinder your growth, especially in the beginning.

The good thing is that you can avoid these pitfalls by learning from the experiences of others, thus scaling your business to great heights. This article discusses five common mistakes breweries often make and shares practical tips to help you avoid them.

Sticking with Outdated Systems

As your brewery expands, you must also upgrade its systems to match modern technology. For example, using spreadsheets to manage inventory may have been sufficient when your company was small. But as you grow, this system can quickly become error-prone and inefficient.

The good news is that you can find many software solutions on the market to match your business needs. For example, you can improve brewery efficiency with Ollie’s platform, a modern comprehensive brewery management solution.

A modern brewery management system like Ollie enables you to say goodbye to manual operations, which are tedious and prone to errors. It allows you to automate most brewery tasks, freeing time for your staff to focus on other vital tasks. In addition, the software provides real-time data and analytics, giving you valuable insights for smart decision-making.

Inadequate Quality Control

The key to a successful brewery is producing high-quality, consistent beer. Unfortunately, some breweries focus too much on increasing production without prioritizing quality control.

Several factors, such as improper equipment maintenance, inconsistent ingredient sourcing, and poor recipe, can cause inconsistent beer quality. This could result in reduced sales, damage to your brewery’s reputation, and negative customer experiences.

To keep your beer consistent, invest in proper equipment, train your staff, and establish strict quality control procedures. Regularly testing your products and monitoring your brewing process will also help ensure your beer maintains its signature taste.

Overlooking Legal Requirements

Breweries must adhere to various local, state, and federal regulations. This includes following taxation, labeling, and licensing requirements.

Neglecting the necessary legal requirements can lead to fines, penalties, and even the closure of your brewery. Such consequences could be detrimental, especially if you invested much time and resources in your business.

To stay compliant, obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and certifications. In addition, stay informed about changes in regulations and consult with legal professionals to ensure that your brewery remains on the right side of the law.

Poor Financial Management

Breweries require significant capital investment, and poor financial management can quickly derail your growth plans.

One common financial challenge most breweries face is managing the cost of ingredients and equipment. Others often struggle to handle cash flow, resulting in missed payments and huge debts.

You can maintain a healthy financial position in your brewery by developing a detailed budget and monitoring your cash flow closely. It would also help to track your expenses and revenues and adjust your budget as needed. If need be, seek professional advice from financial advisors and accountants to help you make sound financial decisions.

Insufficient Capacity Planning

As your brewery grows, it’s essential to plan for increased demand. Failing to anticipate greater production needs can lead to delays and dissatisfied customers.

For example, a brewery that invests in a small brewing system for a start-up may quickly outgrow its capacity as demand for its beer increases. In this case, the brewery may struggle to keep up with production needs, causing delayed shipments, lost sales, and quality control issues.

Fortunately, you can avoid this mistake by tracking your sales trends and forecasting future demand. You could use the data collected from sales to make informed decisions about equipment upgrades, staffing, and facility expansions. Keeping an eye on your capacity needs will keep you ahead of the competition and help you meet your customers’ expectations.

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