A Conversation With Mark Brault of Deer Creek Malthouse

Welcome to our conversation series where we speak with different individuals involved in the Pennsylvania craft beer industry. For suggestions on who should be featured, email us at [email protected].

Mark Brault is the owner of Deer Creek Malthouse, Pennsylvania’s first malthouse since prohibition. Founded in 2012, they are committed to high quality, flavorful, malt ingredients handcrafted using locally grown grain.

They just recently launched their online store, where you can buy their ingredients, whether you are a brewer, distiller, chef, or consumer. Included in the store are many items from homebrewing kits, to bread and pancake mixes, to beers they made in collaboration with local PA breweries. Read on to see how Mark started working in the beer industry, his favorite beers to drink right now, and more!

Describe your role in the PA craft beer industry.

We supply malt ingredients to breweries throughout PA made with locally grown grain. We also perform a lot of research, advocacy, and other agricultural development activities to build a stronger value chain for grain/malt in the region. Although we don’t consider ourselves a “brewery”, we do hold a class G license in PA and produce a variety of small-batch, experimental Malthouse Ales and Lagers made with 100% PA Craft Malt. They are inspired by season ingredients, the farmers who grow grain, and our whimsical palates.

How did you get involved in Deer a Creek Malt?

I became interested in malt as a homebrewer. When I realized there wasn’t any malt available in PA made with locally grown grain (and hadn’t been since prohibition), I decided to try growing some barley and producing malt for commercial brewers in the area. Here we are 6 years later and more than 130 breweries in PA served!

Photo courtesy of Deer Creek Malthouse.

How did your passion for craft beer come about?

Brewing at home and exploring some of the craft brands available in the early 2000s. Food and beverage have always been the way to my heart!

How do you think PA is a unique craft beer state versus other states?

PA has some legendary craft beer leaders with >20yr operating history, including the oldest (Yuengling). The Commonwealth has stayed in the top tier in production volume and number of breweries in the nation. There has also been a lot of innovation and trendsetting in PA. Through my lens as a maltster, what I think really sets PA apart is the geographical diversity, however. There are three distinct growing regions and many different types of specialty grains that can be grown for food and beverage end uses. We routinely stock >9 different types of malted grain that are ALL locally grown. There is an opportunity to build established and new brands while strengthening the local economy around local ingredients in a way that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the US.

Photo courtesy of Deer Creek Malthouse.

When is the last time you went to a brewery outside of PA? What stood out to you about that experience?

I routinely visit Maine, which is where I grew up. Tons of great breweries and a lot of state pride. Allagash has always been one of my favorites. They recently committed to using 1M pounds of Maine grain annually in their brewhouse!

Do you have a favorite beer or beers to drink right now?

My beer taste is very seasonal. It also depends on what I’m eating. This time of year (August), I enjoy clean crisp low ABV lagers and rustic farmhouse saisons.

Photo courtesy of Deer Creek Malthouse.

Where do you see the beer industry heading with content/social media and events?

I can only speak for our brand… We have just begun to engage with consumers, but I see the value in social media, especially given the current public health situation (COVID-19). We attend a lot of farmer’s markets, so we still see people (safely) on a weekly basis, but it is difficult to fully engage while social distancing. Technology is a must for any retailer right now.

Tell us why you do what you do? What inspires you to keep going?

I’m an idealist. I thought we could do better as a beer community with respect to sourcing ingredients back in 2012 when Deer Creek was founded. That hasn’t changed. I still think we have a very long way to go. Beer is an agricultural product, yet the majority of the grain and malt used to make beer in the Commonwealth comes from outside of PA, and often outside the country. Not only does that cost hard-working local farmer’s income, but it also costs the environment. Grain/malt travels thousands of fuel miles before ending up in some of the biggest beer brands in PA creating harmful emissions. The value chain is not sustainable with the status quo.

Photo courtesy of Deer Creek Malthouse.

Who are your biggest influences that keep you going?

Well, my wife and I just had our first child: A baby boy. Such a blessing and we are thrilled to be parents! That has definitely changed my perspective on life in general on a personal level. The challenges presented by COVID-19 and the disruption to our wholesale ingredient business has also been motivational. I’m proud of the fact we’ve been able to keep operating and not lay anyone off. The shift to direct-to-consumer sales with grain/flour ingredients and some ready-made food/beverages has been challenging, but I’m excited to see how we carve out a niche for a malthouse in the consumer market. We have home-brew kits, baking mixes, granola, and several malt beverages available for sale in our online shop. All made with 100% PA Craft Malt!

Give us your top 3 social media pages that you turn to regularly for inspiration.

If we’re talking strictly craft beer… In no particular order:


Thanks to Mark Brault for talking with us! You can find him at Deer Creek Malthouse website, and also on Facebook and Instagram.

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