Grand Opening: Fermata Brewing Company To Open March 26th (Ambridge)

Back in June 2021, we brought you the news that Fermata Brewing Company would be opening in Ambridge, at 918 Merchant Street. The time has come for the brewery to have its Grand Opening!

The brewery officially opens Saturday, March 26th, at 12:00 PM, and is the latest to open in Beaver County, contributing to the growing craft beer scene there.

Fermata Brewing owners Jared Tuk, Chris Bendick, Alan Gore, and Rob Smoker, are opening in a 4,500 sq/ft, 100-year-old building in downtown Ambridge. They will brew a wide variety of styles and will offer 16 taps in their new space. The focus will be on having a rotation of food trucks to complement the beer, as well as lots of live music acts, and other forms of live entertainment.

See the brewery for yourself! (Photos courtesy of Fermata Brewing Company)

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Make sure to follow Fermata Brewing Company on Facebook and Instagram, and go check out their new brewery!

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