How To Support Your Local Breweries During The Latest State Shutdown

As you may have heard, Pennsylvania has recently made the decision to shut down until early 2021. There are a lot of restrictions in place, but essentially what that means for breweries is they can no longer offer dine-in services.

However, it is important to note that this does not mean you must stop supporting your local brewery. There are still many ways in which you can continue to show your support.

The latest mandate does allow for a continuation of outdoor dining, take-out food service, and take-out alcohol sales. And while yes the cold-weather months have arrived, many breweries in PA have created unique ways to continue outdoor dining. We highly recommend checking your local brewery’s social media pages to see what (if anything) they are doing to offer outdoor options.

We understand if you do not feel comfortable dining out. As mentioned above take-out options continue to be available. You can still grab growlers, crowlers, four packs to go.

And beyond all of the above, below are also smart options to continue to support local. We must do our best to make sure our favorite businesses come out on the other end of this.

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