It would appear that Tired Hands Brewing owner Jean Broillet has recently been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) in March of this year. The incident occurred roughly two blocks from the Kennet Square Tired Hands location.
According to a report of the event from “he [BROILLET] was stopped for being operated without use of head lamps. The incident occurred on March 15, 2023, at approximately 2:36AM, in the 100 Block of East Cypress Street, Kennett Square Borough. Upon making contact with Broillet, Officers observed indicators suggesting intoxication and field sobriety tests showed impairment. Broillet refused to provide a chemical test of his breath but was processed and released, pending the issuance of a summons.”
You can see the full report here.
The incident comes just a year after Broillett returned to regular operations after accusations of misconduct. In mid-2022 Tired Hands had found themselves at the center of a series of allegations that included sexism, racism, and misogyny, which would result in the brewing company ultimately removing Broillet from daily operations for a short period of time until his eventual return.
As of this writing court documents show that Broillet is awaiting trial as of June 9th, 2023.