Crystal Ball Brewing (York) Has Closed All Locations

Updated 1/27 at 10:00 AM

According to rumors, Crystal Ball Brewing (York, PA) has closed its doors. The closure is said to include both locations; the main brewery in downtown York as well as the taproom in West York.

Word of the breweries closing first came about across our private Facebook group. With others adding that the brewery in York is not open for business, despite the hours on their website being listed as open. Another two separate, public posts on Facebook and Untappd also confirm the closure.

UPDATE: As reported by the York Daily Record Crystal Ball has confirmed the closure. “Things are 100 percent not how they were when we opened. … We didn’t go into this thing thinking we were going to be out in five years, but things change,” he said. “It is a David and Goliath sort of thing, and we’re definitely David. And big beer is Goliath and things are different. It is time for the next steps and new chapters for all of us,” co-owner Jesse De Salvo is quoted as saying.

De Salvo published the following:

With resolve, I announce that the brewers of Crystal Ball Brewing Company have brewed their final beer, effective immediately.  

Involvement in CBBC has allowed for meeting and working with thousands of great people, many of whom are considered friends to this day.  The relationships that have been built are the greatest reward one could’ve received from this experience. 

Specifically as it relates to York City Six collaborators and brethren, thanks be to Mudhook Brewing Company, Liquid Hero Brewery, Collusion Tap Works, Gift Horse Brewing Company, and Old Forge Brewing Company for being supportive and dependable all these years; special mention to Mudhook for paving the way downtown one decade ago. 

To the staff, performers, vendors, and Ballers of CBBC locations, your time, talents, support, and/or patronage has, and will remain, very much appreciated and remembered. 

When asked about the conclusion of Crystal Ball Brewing Company, the answer will be simple: “New chapters await. Stay tuned.

Please continue to Seek the Finest.


Jesse De Salvo, formerly of Crystal Ball Brewing Company

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