The Top 10 Pennsylvania Craft Beer News Stories of 2020

It has been a very busy year for Pennsylvania craft beer. With many brewery openings and a few closings, lots of COVID-related issues for the industry, and much more, there has been plenty to discuss in 2020. Check how these compare to the top 10 from 2019!

As the leading voice in PA craft beer, we have stayed on top of it all. Below is a list of the top 10 news items we shared on The list is based on page views for the year, starting with the most viewed news article.

1. Evil Genius Removes Social Media Pages After Backlash From Head Brewers Instagram Post

Back in June, the head brewer of Evil Genius posted a message over his personal Instagram page. This post was accompanied by photos of himself in a ski mask, making a gesture to the came, and wearing a t-shirt with a specific acronym. The brewery subsequently removed their social media pages for a short time, then made a public statement in which they fired their head brewer. Shortly after all of this, the former brewer responded to public criticism with his own statement.

2. 10 Pieces Of Taproom Etiquette From One Of Pennsylvania’s Top Brewery Owners

We asked craft beer veteran, and co-owner of Free Will Brewing, John Stemler to give us his top 10 pieces of taproom etiquette from what he has seen over the years.

Months after posting this, the pandemic hit. So we once again went back to John and asked him to update his etiquette for 10 Pieces Of COVID Taproom Etiquette From One Of PA’s Top Brewery Owners.

3. Breweries In PA Offering Local Delivery Options In Response To Coronavirus

Many businesses were forced to change their operations in regards to the Coronavirus pandemic. Many breweries throughout the state are adjusting how they do business to keep cash flow moving. This list was created and updated, to assist in getting the word out about local delivery.

4. Levante Brewing To Permanently Reopen 2nd Location: Levante Stables

Levante Brewing Company, our of West Chester, reopened their second location again, The Stables. You may recall we reported in February of 2018 that Levante announced they would not be re-opening The Stables for the summer. The Stables has been open during the pandemic and continues to offer curbside pickup, as well as inside/outside seating abiding by pandemic restrictions and subject to weather.

5. Evil Genius Fires Head Brewer After Instagram Post Receives Backlash

As we mentioned above, back in June, the head brewer of Evil Genius posted a message over his personal Instagram page. This led to the brewery removing the brewer.

6. Top 10 Breweries In Pennsylvania Of 2020 According To Untappd

Are you an Untappd fanatic? Frantically checking in the latest beer purchase as soon as it touches your lips? If so, you probably want to see how breweries in Pennsylvania stack up against each other through the app.

7. Yuengling Releasing Hershey’s Chocolate Porter In Bottles

Last year, we brought you the news that Yuengling was releasing a collaboration chocolate porter with Hershey. The beer was only available in draft form last year. We first reported that Yuengling would have the beer in bottles for 2020. With the brewery’s distribution footprint, fans all over PA (plus many more states) got a chance to try the collab.

8. Governor Wolf Has Vetoed HB2513; What Comes Next?

In October, we published all about the HB2513 bill, and what it meant for breweries, bars, and restaurants. The Governor has decided to veto this bill, voted on, and passed by BOTH the PA State Senate & House of Representatives. The bill never passed, with many members of PA Congress changing their vote.

9. Enix Brewing Company Listed for Sale

According to a post on ProBrewer Enix Brewing (Homestead, PA) was listed for sale. The sale is for the entire property including all equipment and the bowling alley above the brewery. The link does not work anymore, and if another brewery does go in that location, you can be assured we will announce who and when.

10. Cellar Works Brewing Expanding To Second Location

In July of 2020, we announced that Cellar Works Brewing announced its expansion with plans to open an additional location in Sarver, PA. We spoke with co-owner Tim Bauer to get all the details

What was your favorite PA craft beer story of 2020? What do you think is in store for 2021?

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