Fat Dog Imperial Oatmeal Stout from Stoudts Brewing Company

Fat Dog is an imperial oatmeal stout from Stoudts Brewing Company with 9% ABV.

Pouring to a traditional dark brown with a thin beige head it gives off an aroma of sweet toasted malt, oatmeal and a feint note of vanilla. First sips bring a flavor reminiscent of dark chocolate with the taste of roasted coffee building as the brew finishes.

Being a stout, Fat Dog is fairly thick and will coat the tongue, yet isn’t as chewy as some other imperial stouts. Its lingering flavor is that of slight bitterness, a pleasant mixture of coffee and warmth from its considerable alcohol content.

This beer is best as an after dinner brew that doesn’t sit heavy after eating and will pair well with lighter desserts. Having some coffee flavor without being a full on “coffee stout” this can also be enjoyed by coffee lovers as well as traditional stout fans alike.

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