Hop Explosion from Fegley’s Brew Works

Hop Explosion is an American IPA from Fegley’s Brew Works with an ABV of 7.0%. Available year round in 12 oz. bottles as well as on tap Fegley’s Bethlehem and Allentown locations.

Pouring to a vibrant copper it produces a thin white head that quickly begins to dissolve. Best served in a pint glass you’ll notice a strong citrus aroma from the Cascade hops used in its making with grapefruit in particular coming through alongside smaller notes of orange zest.

Brewed with the Tomahawk strain of hop there is a strong hop forward flavor on the nose of this brew with a mixture of pine and hoppy bitterness. Balanced with Pale and Crystal malts alongside the less bitter Chinook hop variety this finishes sweet with a fairly sticky mouthfeel. It’s sweetness lingers after finishing a sip with only a trace of the upfront bold bitterness.

A true hop forward, West Coast style IPA ‘Explosion’ is best suited for hopheads looking for their trademark bitterness (70 IBUs). Fans of wheat beer may also enjoy this ale as its sweeter finish and citrus notes give it some flexibility in appeal.


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