Imprint Deletes Announcement, Now Going On The Defensive

It would appear that the Imprint Beer story has taken an odd turn. For those not familiar, the brewery recently let go of a number of employees while at the same time announcing that they would stop making beer from their brewery in Hatfield. The justification for their decision was, in part, due to the rising costs of water usage by the township. You can read the original story here.

The announcement was met with backlash, much of which came from former employees. Many sharing stories of poor management, bad communication and one former employee even accusing the brewery of owing them thousands of dollars.

The original post by Imprint announcing the changes/ layoffs has since been removed from social media. And it now seems that based on their social media presence, the brewery is moving forward with business as usual as they have gone back to posting releases and taproom updates. This comes after a number of users, many who were recently fired employees, shared that they were blocked from following the brewery on social media in response to the original announcement. You can see the original (now deleted post) here. These screenshots come courtesy this post on Facebook.

Blocking employees who were recently fired on social media is just the beginning. The odd turns this situation has taken continue as it appears the brewing company is now going on the defensive. Like many times in these situations, users have resulted in leaving the brewing company negative reviews online in response. And brewery ownership is responding to those comments. As you can see, not only is the brewery challenging users, they are even engaging in name calling by telling one user “the circus is looking for you”. You can see some of the posts below. These all come via Google reviews of the brewery (transcriptions from each photo listed below).

Infected beer, infected customer service

Response from the owner: Mike thank you for your feedback. The circus is looking for you.

Letting their entire production and brewery staff go without any pay. Before the holidays. Without any notice. Lying and claiming that they’re working to putt the staff they just let go in other jobs. And blocking anyone that has a…

Response from the owner: Jenia please get the actual information correct. All your statements are incorrect. Stop in for proof. Until then stop the harassment.

I used to be a big fan of Imprint, but the beer quality as well as the customer service has really deteriorated in recent years. They’ve become overly reliant on cheesy gimmick beers like schmoojees and pastry stouts. I went from getting…

Response from owner: Jeff you haven’t been here in 3+ years. Nice try though

As of this writing this appears to be the only public responses by the brewery on the matter. We will continue to update the story as more information is available.

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