Jump Seat from Lancaster Brewing Co.

Jump Seat is a black lager or also known as a schwarzbier with 5.5% ABV from Lancaster Brewing Co. German schwarzbiers are traditionally known for their black color, as it literally translates to “black beer,” and are known for their smoother, lighter flavor in comparison with other dark craft beers.

Jump Seat takes its style seriously and pours to a midnight black with some lighter tan head dissolves relatively fast with very little lacing left behind on the glass. The lager’s aroma is a lighter fare, with roasted malt accompanying notes of toffee.

The flavor is malt forward, but not very sweet, it’s has a roasted, toasted flavor without becoming too bitter. The lighter body and medium-to-high amounts of carbonation produce as clean drinking experience with a crisp finish. As the beer begins to warm some nutty nuance comes through to further round out the lager.

Taking home the gold medal at the 2016 World Beer Cup in the American-style dark lager category, it’s no wonder that Lancaster chose to put this beauty in a bottle.


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