Sunday Mole Stout is an imperial stout with 11.3% ABV and is a tweak on Weyerbacher Brewing Company’s highly revered Sunday Morning Stout. For the uninitiated a mole sauce is a traditional Mexican sauce using a mixture of nuts, chili peppers and a fruit, but will also very often include chocolate of some sort.
Mole Stout pours to a deep brown chocolate color with a cocoa colored head that just traces the glass’ rim. The aroma is heavy, filled with dark chocolate and the toasty, sweet smell of roasted malt.
First sips feature a prominence of coffee and cacao, thick with bold flavor. Made with ancho, pasilla, mulato and chipotle peppers there is a smokey finish and just a touch of heat on the finish. The cocoa nibs used in brewing are what flavor lingers most, that distinct cocoa bitter sweetness that all dark chocolate lovers are familiar with.
Weyerbacher has achieved the incredibly difficult task of taking a renowned beer and making a change that results in an equally good, if not even better beer. Sunday Mole Stout is an approachable imperial that has all of the warmth, none of the booziness and a complex flavor that is quite reminiscent of actual mole sauce.