White Lightning is a Belgian White, or Witbier that serves as one of Full Pint Brewing Company’s flagship brews. Pouring to a hazy pale yellow this brew gives off a citrus aroma with some hints of spice. Fairly wheat forward the toasted wheat used in this beer is apparent, but not overwhelming. It’s flaked oats and barley round out the initial tasting experience.
Some spice does come through as the beer warms, some may also notice coriander or orange. Hopped with Northern Brewer and with only 18 IBU’s this beer goes down extremely smooth. Paired with an almost creamy texture it’s easy to see how this became the company’s flagship beer.
At 6.0% ABV with the previously mentioned spice notes this brew has a good deal of warmth to it once several sips have been taken. An excellent beverage for fans of wheat beer as well anyone who wants an alternative flavor to the hoppy IPA’s and heavy porters. So cut yourself an orange slice or two and pour a tall glass of this Pittsburgh brew.