Barista’s Choice from Hijinx Brewing Co.

Barista’s Choice is a coffee porter with 5.0% ABV from Hijinx Brewing Co. located in Allentown, PA. This English-style porter is made with locally sourced coffee from John Weber, the roaster and owner of Taylor Roasted Coffee House in Northampton, PA.

This porter pours to a dark brown, almost black color with a dense, pillowy, light brown head that slowly dissolves. There’s a strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee, eyes closed you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from Barista’s Choice and your favorite cold brewed coffee.

At 5.0% and the almost no carbonation make this brew gulp worthy as it goes down incredibly easy. There is a hint of caramel sweetness, but there is gigantic coffee flavor, almost like an iced coffee with a little bit of creamer in it. Its thin body is a departure from most coffee infused beers, as stouts tend to have a thicker composition compared to this porter.

This is essentially the perfect beer for lovers of iced coffee as its taste, consistency and aroma are remarkably similar to coffee. No one would blame you for waking up on a weekend morning and popping this open at around 9-10 o’ clock and enjoying one or two before noon, and there’s not a single thing wrong with that.



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