Hoptastic Voyage from Manayunk Brewing Co. 

Hoptastic Voyage is an American IPA with 4.9% ABV from Manayunk Brewing Company. ‘Voyage’ makes up one third of the brewery’s Hip-Hop IPA Series alongside Sir Dank-A-Lot and Baby Got Hops.

This brew pours to a hazy orange color with a pillowy white head that dissolves quickly. Upon pouring it gives off an aroma of citrus, particularly orange and hints of grapefruit and lemon zest.

True to its name Voyage is quite hoptastic as it has a hop forward flavor with a strong emphasis on orange zest. With the inclusion of Amarillo and Jarrylo hops this is to be expected as their profiles often produce spiced citrus notes, especially orange. Despite a first impression that does have some bitterness this ale finishes juicy and vibrant, largely thanks to the Huell Melon hops.

A medium mouth feel means this brew will linger a bit on the tongue which will further soften its bitterness and allow the drinker a chance to pick up on its juicier, more fruity accents. This is a great beer for hoppy beer lovers as it does have a West Coast style signature with big, bold hop flavors and some bitterness (66 IBUs). Those on the fence still get a rounded enough hop profile that it’s worth trying for its nuance and fruitiness.

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